A man who knows how to treat a woman will never have trouble finding one. However, many men aren’t sure what that entails. They might understand the importance of standing up for one’s beliefs and showing respect for one’s friends and family, but the nuances of what that looks like in practice can be a little fuzzy. Fortunately, there are plenty of things every woman wants in a man regardless of her relationship status or what kind of guy she’s looking for. These are 10 essential qualities every man should have if he wants to impress the ladies and achieve long-lasting success with women in general. If you want to see how you stack up against the competition, take a look at this list compiled by experts, dating coaches, and various online communities dedicated to helping single people find their ideal match:

Good communication skills

Women love sexy men. But they also love men who can talk dirty. Sexiness and forwardness are attractive qualities in themselves, and they can also be attractive traits in a partner. However, women are turned on by men who can communicate with them on a deeper level than just “hey baby, want to get it on?” Women want to feel like their partners truly get them and understand how they feel. It’s easy for partners to get caught up in the moment and lose touch with the other person’s needs and feelings. Adding good communication skills to your arsenal can help prevent this from happening. You can demonstrate great communication skills by asking your partner what she likes about the things you two do together, or by being patient and open to hearing her opinion on issues outside of your relationship.


A confident man is one who knows his strengths and weaknesses and is comfortable with himself. Confidence is attractive to women, but it’s also something that can be cultivated and built up over time. It’s not something that someone just shows off to get a girl’s attention. The best way to maintain your own confidence is to be a champion of the confidence of other men. Confront other men on social media, online forums, and in real life who are showing signs of low self-esteem and try to help them realize that they don’t need to be ashamed of who they are. If you see someone in your life who shows signs of self-doubt, help them see how awesome they are and encourage them to look past the insecurities they might be struggling with. It’s important to maintain your own level of self-confidence, but it’s even more important to build up the confidence of the people around you.

Stronger emotional connections

Emotional connections are what draw people to each other in relationships, so it stands to reason that in order to build long-lasting love, you need to be able to make strong emotional connections with women. One of the best ways to develop your skill in this department is to have conversations with women that don’t revolve around sex. Yes, sex is an important topic in a relationship, but it shouldn’t be the only thing you talk about. You can make conversation with your partner about anything, as long as it’s something that gets her heart pumping and her blood flowing. In order to keep a woman’s heart racing and her emotions flowing, you have to let her know that she’s making an impact on yours.

Confidence to ask out a woman

If a woman is attracted to you, even a little bit, the next step is getting her to like you. That takes confidence. Confidence is attractive in itself, but it’s also attractive because you’re using it in a way that gets you what you want. Nobody cares how confident you are if nobody knows about it. You have to be confident in the things you say and do in order to demonstrate your confidence in those things, and that only comes from confidence in yourself. You have to believe in yourself in order to believe in your abilities, and you only do that if you dig deep down and find it within yourself.

Respect for her boundaries and values

If you’re going to be in a relationship with a woman, you have to respect her boundaries and values. The way that you do this is by finding things in common with her that you can talk about. Find things in common with your partner that she likes, and then find more things that she might like that you have a connection to. It’s important not just to find things that you both like, but things that you can find common ground in
Honesty and transparency

Honesty is important in all facets of life, but particularly when it comes to relationships. You don’t want to be dishonest or manipulative when it comes to your partner because that’s going to put a strain on the relationship. When it comes to relationships, you want to be as transparent as possible by communicating honestly and direct with your partner. For example, if you don’t like something that your partner is doing, you need to say it directly.


If you want to attract women, you need to focus on the things that make you attractive as a man. These traits will help you to be the man you want to be and attract the women you want to date. You can’t force these things, but you can work on them and make yourself better. If you put in the effort and follow through, you will see results. When you have these traits, you will be able to get a quality woman, whether you are looking for a hookup or a girlfriend.